Voith AusRail
We really value our 5-year (and counting!) working relationship with the team at Voith.
Photo here of the 2019 stand installed at the ICC Sydney for AusRAIL. A sanctuary amongstĀ the hustle and bustle of the expo hall, the premium white finishes throughout provided a fresh base for showcasing Voiths state-of-the-art turbo transmission. Other stand features included digital, LED logo, large backlit imagery championing Voiths engineering prowess and a long bench table with stools for longer conversations.
#voith #drivetrain #ausrail #railindustry #railprofessionals #railconference #foamletters #LEDsign #exporigging #clinicaldesign #standdesign #tradeshowbooth #tradeshowdesign #tradeshowexhibit #eventsustainability #iccsydney

”Well you guys have nailed it again! Only great feedback about how the stand looked really good so thank you for all your efforts in making this happen. Always under pressure but you guys always get us through I really appreciate it."
Marketing ManagerVOITH